rowid,hash_id,code,kind,repeat,desc,narrative 17,ed2ddcb8cccd19da,3.125(a),,0,"FACILITIES, GENERAL.","In the enclosure housing 8 sheep at the Multipurpose Building, there was a wooden shelter with a broken side. The broken edges were jagged and there were protruding wires with sharp points. These jagged edges and wires could cause injury to the sheep living in this enclosure. All housing facilities shall be structurally sound and maintained in good repair to protect the animals from injury. TO BE CORRECTED BY 28 AUGUST 2020." 18,ed2ddcb8cccd19da,3.130,,0,WATERING.,"In the enclosure housing 8 sheep at the Multipurpose Building, there were dirty water receptacles. The inside walls of the water receptacles were coated in a green brown material and there was a layer of sediment along the bottom. This sediment appeared to consist of dirt, feed, grass, and other debris. These two receptacles were the only access to water in the enclosure. Dirty water receptacles can lead to disease or contamination. All water receptacles must kept clean and sanitary. TO BE CORRECTED BY 28 AUGUST 2020." 19,ed2ddcb8cccd19da,3.131(c),,0,SANITATION.,"At the Red Buttes animal facility, an enclosure housing chipmunks had a large amount of overgrown vegetation surrounding the enclosure. On two sides of the enclosure, the vegetation completely obscured the enclosure walls from the outside. In order to see into the enclosure, the inspector had to stand on a gate due to the height and density of the weeds. This amount of overgrowth does not allow for proper visualization of the enclosure walls to ensure that it is in good repair nor does it allow easy visualization of the animals within the enclosure. Overgrown vegetation can also be an area for pests or predators to live in, which could lead to disease or injury of the chipmunks within. The premises must be kept clear of weeds and in good repair in order to protect the animals from injury and to facilitate proper husbandry practices. TO BE CORRECTED BY 28 AUGUST 2020. This inspection was conducted on 8/18/2020 and the exit interview was conducted on 8/19/2020 with facility representatives."