rowid,hash_id,code,kind,repeat,desc,narrative 48,70d69a71697a7f5e,2.31(d)(1)(ii),,0,Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).,"IACUC approved Protocol #0624 did not provide a written narrative description of the methods and sources used to determine that alternatives were not available for the non-survival major operative procedure that may cause more than momentary pain or distress to the animals that is included in the protocol. Per this Section of the Regulations, whenever a proposal for animal use contains procedures that may cause more than momentary pain or distress to the animals, the IACUC shall determine that the principal investigator has considered alternatives to those procedures and that the principal investigator has provided a written narrative description of the methods and sources used to determine that alternatives were not available. This requirement ensures that all procedures contained in the protocol minimize discomfort, distress, and pain to the animals. The IACUC needs to address this item. Correct by 9/19/22. This inspection and exit briefing were conducted with facility representatives. n"