rowid,narrative,desc,web_siteName,kind,hash_id,web_inspectionDate,code,repeat,pdf_insp_type,pdf_animals_total,web_certType,pdf_customer_id,pdf_customer_name,pdf_customer_addr,customer_state,pdf_site_id,doccloud_url,lat,lng 61,"In February 2021 laboratory staff for Protocol #07941 reported an unexpected study outcome to the IACUC. The IACUC conducted an investigation and determined that although prior instruction had been provided to laboratory staff, they did not follow the IACUC approved protocol and also did not follow at least 2 of the institution’s guidelines related to animal use. A lower dose of anesthetic than in the approved protocol was administered to the animals and as a result the animals did not remain at a level of anesthesia to allow initiation of the second scheduled procedure. Laboratory staff decided to perform the 2nd procedure later the same day after a second administration of anesthesia, which was not described in the IACUC approved protocol. Per this Section, it shall be the responsibility of the research facility to ensure that all scientists, research technicians, animal technicians, and other personnel involved in animal care, treatment, and use are qualified to perform their duties. The research facility had addressed this item prior to this inspection by providing supplemental refresher training to laboratory personnel on the need to follow the IACUC approved protocol and institutional guidelines. There have been no additional related incidents. Corrected prior to inspection. This inspection was conducted with facility representatives from 7/12/21 through 7/15/21. The exit briefing was held with facility representatives on 7/15/21. *END OF REPORT* End Section",Personnel qualifications.,YALE UNIVERSITY,,78961d4d643df2f5,2021-07-12,2.32(a),0,ROUTINE INSPECTION,641.0,Class R - Research Facility,48.0,YALE UNIVERSITY,"OFFICE OF RESEARCH ADMIN PO BOX 208327 NEW HAVEN, CT 06520",CT,001,,41.3064267,-72.9310217