rowid,narrative,desc,web_siteName,kind,hash_id,web_inspectionDate,code,repeat,pdf_insp_type,pdf_animals_total,web_certType,pdf_customer_id,pdf_customer_name,pdf_customer_addr,customer_state,pdf_site_id,doccloud_url,lat,lng 9,"Two marmosets (male 601 858 271, female 844 827 014), were found dead entrapped in their nest box on August 12, 2020 at 8:04 am during the morning observation . At some point after the afternoon observation at 2:38 pm on August 11, the 2 animals entered their nest box in their home cage and the door to the nest box closed so they could not get out. The animals were entrapped in the box for ~18 hours. The cause of death was overheating and distress. Primary enclosures must be constructed and maintained so that they protect the nonhuman primate from injury and harm. All the doors on the nest boxes in marmoset caging were removed prior to inspection. Corrected prior to inspection.",Primary enclosures.,UNIVERSITY OF UTAH,Critical,61d5113bec34534f,2020-10-22,3.80(a)(2)(ii),0,FOCUSED INSPECTION,0.0,Class R - Research Facility,12.0,UNIVERSITY OF UTAH,"OFFICE OF COMPARATIVE MEDICINE 75 SOUTH 2000 EAST, SUITE 311 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84112",UT,003,,40.76788699999999,-111.8326796 10,"Several incidents of deaths/illness due to anesthetic procedures have occurred in the marmosets. 1)On September 10, 2019 , a male Marmoset (844 835 601) underwent a 6 hour surgical procedure. Multiple I.V. catheterization attempts were made prior to successful placement with visible bruising at the saphenous catheter site and lateral thigh muscle. One massage of hind limbs was recorded during the surgery. Upon recovery it was noted that his left rear leg was swollen and he was dragging it and lacked a pain response. The PI and the on-call veterinarian were notified within one hour of extubation and the veterinarian was to check on him in the am. On 9/11/2019, the marmoset was found dead at the first check in the morning at ~ 8 am. Deep vein thrombosis was confirmed at necropsy. 2)On January 29, 2020, a male Marmoset(844 837 257) was anesthetized and the technician remembered that he was particularly difficult to intubate. During recovery an increased respiratory rate was noted and the animal developed respiratory difficulties resulting in euthanasia on 2/1/2020. Necropsy revealed acute laryngitis/pharyngitis due to trauma of intubation as cause of death. A marmoset (844 840 303) who had surgery 10/23/2019 also showed respiratory difficulty after recovery from surgery which gradually resolved. Procedures like intubation, anesthesia support, and I.V. catheterization when not performed adequately can cause harm, injury and death to the animals. Equipment utilized and care delivered including intubation and catheterization before, during and after procedures must be in accordance with current established veterinary medical and nursing procedures. Corrected prior to inspections.",Attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care.,UNIVERSITY OF UTAH,Critical,61d5113bec34534f,2020-10-22,2.33(b)(5),0,FOCUSED INSPECTION,0.0,Class R - Research Facility,12.0,UNIVERSITY OF UTAH,"OFFICE OF COMPARATIVE MEDICINE 75 SOUTH 2000 EAST, SUITE 311 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84112",UT,003,,40.76788699999999,-111.8326796 11,"On January 17, 2020, Eight (8) rabbits (ID 20-101,-102,-103,-104,-105,-106,-109,-110) underwent a 2nd surgery to implant a supplemental lens after a first surgery was conducted 14 days earlier. The second surgery was not included in the IACUC approved protocol. All proposed and approved animal use activities must include a complete description of the proposed use of the animals. Incomplete descriptions of all procedures do not allow the IACUC to fully assess the protocol to ensure the safe and humane use of the animals. The protocol was amended and the renewal includes the second surgery. Corrected by the time of inspection. This inspection and exit interview were conducted with facility representatives. End Section",Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).,UNIVERSITY OF UTAH,,61d5113bec34534f,2020-10-22,2.31(e)(3),1,FOCUSED INSPECTION,0.0,Class R - Research Facility,12.0,UNIVERSITY OF UTAH,"OFFICE OF COMPARATIVE MEDICINE 75 SOUTH 2000 EAST, SUITE 311 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84112",UT,003,,40.76788699999999,-111.8326796