rowid,narrative,desc,web_siteName,kind,hash_id,web_inspectionDate,code,repeat,pdf_insp_type,pdf_animals_total,web_certType,pdf_customer_id,pdf_customer_name,pdf_customer_addr,customer_state,pdf_site_id,doccloud_url,lat,lng 55,"There was no one available during business hours to allow APHIS Officials to enter and inspect the facilities, property, records, and animals on29-JAN-20 at 1:15 PM. The inspector arrived on campus at 1:15 PM on 1/29/20 to conduct an inspection but the individual authorized to accompany the inspector was not in his/her office. The inspector tried to contact him/her by text messages and waited for almost 60 minutes before leaving. An AWA compliance inspection could not be conducted because there was no other authorized facility representative available to accompany the inspector. Unannounced inspections to determine compliance with the provisions of the AWA are required to assess the facility. Correct from this date forward by providing inspector with alternate points of contact and schedule of availability. NOTE - This is the FIRST attempted inspection. Report delivered by e-mail 1/30/20.",MISCELLANEOUS.,QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITY,,40c497f8e3fbf7b3,2020-01-29,2.38(b),0,ATTEMPTED INSPECTION,0.0,Class R - Research Facility,46.0,Quinnipiac University,"275 Mount Carmel Avenue Hamden, CT 06518",CT,001,,41.4197818,-72.8915502