rowid,narrative,desc,web_siteName,kind,hash_id,web_inspectionDate,code,repeat,pdf_insp_type,pdf_animals_total,web_certType,pdf_customer_id,pdf_customer_name,pdf_customer_addr,customer_state,pdf_site_id,doccloud_url,lat,lng 28055,"The written program of veterinary care (PVC) was not available at time of inspection. A program for the care of the animals, approved by a qualified veterinarian, should be available for review at time of inspection. Each exhibitor shall, during business hours, allow APHIS officials to examine records required to be kept by the Act and the regulations in this part. This is a 1st Re-License Inspection for a Class “C” license. The inspection and exit briefing were conducted with the applicant. All items must be in compliance within 2 more inspections by 9/04/2022 or the Applicant will forfeit the license fee and must wait 6 months to reapply. Please contact your inspector to schedule your next Relicense Inspection. “Regulated activity can continue under your existing USDA license until it expires.” n",Access and inspection of records and property; submission of itineraries.,"P W E C ENTERPRISES, INC.",,0032ba15f7b06737,2022-07-06,2.126(a)(2),0,RE-LICENSE INSPECTION,21.0,Class C - Exhibitor,327034.0,PWEC Enterprises Inc.,"2 Wildhorse Lane Rolling Hills Estate, CA 90274",CA,001,,,