rowid,narrative,desc,web_siteName,kind,hash_id,web_inspectionDate,code,repeat,pdf_insp_type,pdf_animals_total,web_certType,pdf_customer_id,pdf_customer_name,pdf_customer_addr,customer_state,pdf_site_id,doccloud_url,lat,lng 14751,"**While reviewing records it was noted that the written program of veterinary care was not complete. A bat-eared fox was acquired in 2015 however the program of veterinary care was not completed to include a schedule of vaccinations for the fox. The program of veterinary care should reflect the appropriate vaccinations for the animals on hand. The program of veterinary care should be updated to accurately reflect the vaccination and parasite program for the animals. Lack of a complete program of veterinary care does not ensure that proper veterinary care is being provided in accordance with currently accepted veterinary medical standards. Correct by: Jun 30,2016 INSPECTION AND EXIT BRIEFING CONDUCTED WITH THE FACILITY REPRESENTATIVE.",ATTENDING VETERINARIAN AND ADEQUATE VETERINARY CARE (DEALERS AND EXHIBITORS).,Scott Heinrichs,,001056de71538cfc,2016-06-14,2.40(a)(1),0,ROUTINE INSPECTION,14.0,Class C - Exhibitor,13426.0,Scott Heinrichs,"3230 S May St Chicago, IL 60608",IL,001,,,